Monday, January 17, 2011

New Bio (Minus the Brag)

My entire life I’ve hated to talk about myself – you know, the shameless promotion kind of conversations – “I do this and I’ve done that and you might recognize me from…” gag. It’s safe to admit that I’ve pretty much despised every bio I’ve ever had because of the general concept – pack as much self-exploiting content that screams ME, ME, ME, into the fewest amount of paragraphs possible. This isn’t that kind of story.

I like chronology & organized thoughts, so I put together a Get To Know Me in 5 Bullet Points or Less introduction (adapted from a previous feature on this blog):

  1. My name is Melissa. Hi. I’m an artist (the musical kind), songwriter, cowgirl hippie, Martha Stewart wanna be, Wyoming native (hopefully the cowgirl hippie part makes sense now), self-proclaimed gourmet chef (only when I follow the recipe), gardener, fashionista, bookworm & I find most children, dogs and costume parties irresistible.
  2. I live in Nashville. I create music I love – it’s my job.
  3. My family is amazing & they introduced me to practically every type of music (expect for the “inappropriate” kinds) growing up. More on that later. Yes, I’m foreshadowing.
  4. I spent my summers as a teenager traveling around the western fair & rodeo circuit performing. I had the privilege of opening for several incredible artists & bands that I admire. They shaped me, stretched me & inspired me to do what I do. Even more, I love genuine, honest, hardworking people & if you’re not sure they still exist, go to a county fair. They’re there.
  5. I’ve recently recorded an EP. It’s been over 3 years in the making. I’ve had the awesome privilege of working with Chad Carlson (home boy’s got skillz) & we’ve created something REALLY exciting & different & completely me!

At a young age, I knew I wanted to be a singer & live in Nashville when I grew up. Coming from Wyoming, the thought of sharing a zip code with Garth Brooks & signing my first record deal while wearing a diamond studded belt-buckle the size of a license plate was really exciting. Fast-forward a decade; I’m in Nashville and interning for a big-time producers publishing company. But all that glitters is not gold. I was living out Paula Coles' song, “Where Have All the Cowboys Gone.” It was complete hypocrisy. I was 99% more “country” than anyone getting a record deal but because my voice sounds more like melted butter than trailer tin, I kept hearing, “you’re stuff is really pop” or “if you’re from Wyoming, why don’t have an accent?” News flash: Only people from the South have Southern accents. The rest of em' are fakin' it. What a concept, y'all.

As confused and frustrated that the “not country enough” notion made me, it also pushed me out of my comfort zone. Just because I’d been playing and writing country music for the last 7 years didn’t necessarily mean it was what defined me. I grew up singing in church which parlayed into voice lessons and jazz music and national competitions and rodeo gigs. The more I thought about it, just because I was from the ol’ west didn’t mean I was destined to sound like it. I had such a rich upbringing of incredible music – everything from the Glenn Miller Orchestra to Nat King Cole, ZZ Top to Chris LeDoux, Bonnie Raitt, Elton John, Queen and the list goes on.

I hated the notion of being locked up in a musical box. It’s been liberating to not care if I fit into the “radio” mold, sound like what’s popular right now, or if my lyrics are too sophisticated for the audience. In my post-dream haze, Nashville has blossomed into an incredible, stylistically open & creative incubator. I’d never of met the co-writers, musicians and friends that have helped shaped my music anywhere else. So, I’ll let you decide what stylistic box to put me in. In the meantime, I’ll keep writing, playing out & doing my thing.